Sabtu, 03 November 2012


The following extended codes are available only with the Enhanced Keyboards (101/102-key keyboards); the codes area available for key reassignment only under DOS V4 and above. The keys include the six-key editing pad and the four-key cursor-control pad. To reassign these keys, you must give the DEVICE = ANSI.SYS /X directive or the enable extended function codes escape sequence (Esc[1q). All extended codes are prefixed by 224 decimal (E0 hex).

Decimal Hex     Octal   Binary         Extended ASCII


71             47      107     01000111       Home

72             48      110     01001000       -

73             49      111     01001001       Page Up

75             4B      113     01001011      

77             4D      115     01001101       Ò

79             4F      117     01001111       End

80             50      120     01010000      

81             51      121     01010001       Page Down

82             52      122     01010010       Insert

83             53      123     01010011       Delete

115            73      163     01110011       Ctrl-

116            74      164     01110100       Ctrl-Ò

117            75      165     01110101       Ctrl-End

118            76      166     01110110       Ctrl-Page-Down

119            77      167     01110111       Ctrl-Home

132            84      204     10000100       Ctrl-Page Up

141            8D      215     10001101       Ctrl--

145            91      221     10010001       Ctrl-

146            92      222     10010010       Ctrl-Insert

147            93      223     10010011       Ctrl-Delete

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